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Vanilla Nut Nog (Raw Foods)

nuts, dates, vanilla, cinnamon

Vanilla Nut Nog (Raw Foods) -


5 cups brazil nuts
30 -40 medjool dates (pitted)
2 tablespoons vanilla extract (or 5 vanilla beans)
9 -11 cups water
3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
grated nutmeg

Directions for Vanilla Nut Nog (Raw Foods) Recipe

Soak Brazil nuts in water to cover 8-12 hours.
In separate bowl, soak dates and vanill beans (or extract) together in water to cover 8-12 hours.
Drain Brazil nuts, rinse, and drain again.
Remove dates and vanilla from water and add enough more water to equal 10 cups.
Pour water into blender, add nuts, and process til smooth.
Add dates, vanilla, and cinnamon to blender and process til smooth, scraping down the sides occasionally with a spatula.
The mixture will be thick. If you want it thinner, add more water and process again.
Taste and add more dates, vanilla, or cinnamon if desired and blend again til smooth.
Place a nut milk bag in a large bowl, pour in the nog in batches and gently squeeze out the liquid. Pour into clear cups and dust with nutmeg.
NOTE: if you don't have a high-speed blender, make the nog in small batches. Here is the ratio for 1-2 servings:.
1/2 c Brazil nuts (soaked 8-12 hours).
4 pitted Medjool dates AND.
1/2 vanilla bean or 1 tsp extract(soaked with dates 8-12 hours).
a pinch of cinnamon.
enough water added to the date soaking water to equal 1 cup.

Read the full directions on


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