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Herbes De Provence

garlic, oregano, thyme, marjoram, basil, sage, rosemary, chives, bay

Herbes De Provence -


1/2 cup dried marjoram
1/2 cup dried garlic
1/2 cup dried oregano
1/2 cup dried basil
1/3 cup dried thyme
1/8 cup dried rosemary
1/8 cup dried sage
1/4 cup lavender
1 tablespoon dried chives
2 bay leaves, crumbled fine

Directions for Herbes De Provence Recipe

Remove tough stems from all the herbs and discard or save for a fire place or smoking foods.
Crumble and mix all the ingredients together.
Place in airtight jars and out of heat and light.
Use as you please.

Read the full directions on


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