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Live Garden Burger (Raw Foods)

walnuts, carrots, onion, raisins, seasoning

Live Garden Burger (Raw Foods) -


1 cup walnuts (or your favorite nuts)
2 carrots, chopped
1/2 medium onion, chopped
1/2 tablespoon raisins (I used sultanas but they also suggest honey or very ripe bananas)
1/2 tablespoon oil
1/2 tablespoon poultry seasoning (or other seasoning)

Directions for Live Garden Burger (Raw Foods) Recipe

Grind the nuts in a food processor.
Add the rest of the ingredients and grind it up or put the rest of the ingredients in a "Champion Juicer with the blank plate in" and then combine with the ground nuts.
Form into balls, cutlets, or fillets and sprinkle with a little paprika before serving.
If the mixture is not firm enough, add one or more of the following: dill weed, dried garlic, dried onion, dried parley, nutritional yeast, psyllium husk powder, or ground flaxseeds.
Note: If you want "fishburger", add seaweed (dulse, kelp, or nori) to the mixture.

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