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Cock a Leekie Soup

leeks, chickens, carrots, rice


2 lbs fresh whole chickens
12 medium leeks, well washed and chopped to 3/4-inch lengths
4 ounces washed long grain rice
3 -4 medium sized carrots, peeled and grated
salt and crushed black pepper

Directions for Cock a Leekie Soup Recipe

Put the chicken in a pot with enough water to more than cover.
Add 6 leeks.
Cover the pot and simmer gently for 1 hour or until the chicken is falling off the bone.
Remove the chicken and reserve.
Strain the stock into a fresh pot, add the rice and cook in a covered pot for 10 minutes.
Add the grated carrots and the remainder of the chopped leeks and continue cooking for 20 minutes.
Taste for intensity of flavour and, if necessary, reduce further to increase the taste.
Season with salt and pepper.
Chop a little of the reserved chicken and add to the finished soup.
Note: The reserved chicken is sometimes served as a separate course with mealie or boiled potatoes and a very strong sauce or perhaps yellow mustard.

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